Thursday, June 22, 2006

My lunch buddy

My lunch buddy
Originally uploaded by Bob Clubbs.
At Kitazono High School, the kids were much more reserved than at the Elementary in terms of how they dealt with us. They did not really seek us out. Instead, they sort of avoided us. But at lunch, we did manage to strike up some conversations.

The scrapbook that Brooke made for me helped a lot. This young lady though my kids were "so cuuuuuuute." Her other impression was "WOW! BIG house!" When I showed her the kids' rooms, she was also impressed that they got "own room." She was excited to tell me that she's going to see Mission Impossible on Sunday.

The instruction at the high school level was a bit more of what I expected to see: teacher the front of the room lecturing, with students in rows taking notes. The biggest difference between us and them is the class size! Some had as many as 40 students in one class, with the norm seeming to be about 36. Wow. Guess I shouldn't complain any more.


Blogger 1UP RPG said...

I'm so happy the scrapbook could be a conversation starter! ANd you know, our HS students would all be the same way...stand-offish.

6/22/2006 2:22 PM  

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